Python – Spelling Check
Checking of spelling is a basic requirement in any text processing or analysis. The python package pyspellchecker provides us this feature to find the words that may have been mis-spelled and also suggest the possible corrections.
First, we need to install the required package using the following command in our python environment.
pip install pyspellchecker
Now we see below how the package is used to point out the wrongly spelled words as well as make some suggestions about possible correct words.
from spellchecker import SpellChecker spell = SpellChecker() # find those words that may be misspelled misspelled = spell.unknown(['let', 'us', 'wlak','on','the','groun']) for word in misspelled: # Get the one `most likely` answer print(spell.correction(word)) # Get a list of `likely` options print(spell.candidates(word))
When we run the above program we get the following output −
>group {'group', 'ground', 'groan', 'grout', 'grown', 'groin'} walk {'flak', 'weak', 'walk'}
Case Sensitive
If we use Let in place of let then this becomes a case sensitive comparison of the word with the closest matched words in dictionary and the result looks different now.
from spellchecker import SpellChecker spell = SpellChecker() # find those words that may be misspelled misspelled = spell.unknown(['Let', 'us', 'wlak','on','the','groun']) for word in misspelled: # Get the one `most likely` answer print(spell.correction(word)) # Get a list of `likely` options print(spell.candidates(word))
When we run the above program we get the following output −
>group {'groin', 'ground', 'groan', 'group', 'grown', 'grout'} walk {'walk', 'flak', 'weak'} get {'aet', 'ret', 'get', 'cet', 'bet', 'vet', 'pet', 'wet', 'let', 'yet', 'det', 'het', 'set', 'et', 'jet', 'tet', 'met', 'fet', 'net'}