Object–Oriented Programming

  • It is a technique to develop modules, such as classes that contain Properties , methods ,fields and events . An object encapsulates all the features , such as data and behavior that are associated to a class. Object Oriented Programming allows developers to develop modular programs and assemble them as software .

  • Benefits of OOP

  • We can eliminate redundant code and extend the use of existing classes . We can build programs from the standard working the modules that communicate with one another , rather than having to start writing the code from scratch. This leads to saving of development-time and Higher productivity . It is possible to map objects in the problem domain to those in the program.

  • Features of OOP

  • OOP following features apart from Classes and Objects .
  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

  • Encapsulation

  • Encapsulation is defined as the process of enclosing one or more items within a physical or logical package’ .
  • Abstraction and Encapsulation are related features in OOP
  • Abstraction allows making relevant information visible and encapsulation enables a programmer to implement the desired level of abstraction.

  • Abstraction :

  • It is the one of the principal of OOP .It is used to display only necessary and essential features of an object to outside the world.
  • Means displaying what is necessary and encapsulate the unnecessary things to outside the world .
  • It provide security .
  • Hiding can be achieved by using “private” access modifiers .

  • Inheritance :

  • Creating a new class from an existing class is called Inheritance
  • One of the most important concept is OOP is that Inheritance
  • It provide the reusability so its main advantage also Inheritance

  • Polymorphism :

  • It is one of the principal of OOP.
  • “Poly “ means many and “morph” means forms hence the name polymorphism
  • It also refers one name many forms or having one name with multiple functionality is called polymorphism.