Classes Object and Methods :
In OOP language it is must to create a class for representing data.
Class contains variables for storing data and functions to specify various operation that can be performed on data .
Class will not occupy any memory space and hence it is only represent of data .
How to write a class :
class <classname > {
class scanftree {
int p;
string s;
public void Test() {
Console .WriteLine(“scanftree”);
create object for the class
Scanftree obj;
Obj=new scaftree();
Program for class :
using System ;
using System.Collection.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System .Text;
namespace Oopprograme {
class Class1 {
public int year = 2011;
public string s= “scanftree”;
static void Main() {
Class1 cls=new Class1();
Console.WriteLine (“--------”+cls.s+”-------“);