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IFSC Code Detail for Lokvikas nagari sah bank main br Branch Information

yes bank- Lokvikas nagari sah bank main br is located at Maharashtra state,Aurangabad district, Aurangabad city and the bank branch address is Lokvikas bhavan, 10 seven hill colony, jalana raod aurangabad 431001 Contact phone number / numbers -2341724, The IFSC Code is YESB0LNSB02, Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code - Lnsb02
Individual bank branch details are listed below.
Bank Name Yes bank
State Maharashtra
District Aurangabad
City Aurangabad
Address Lokvikas bhavan, 10 seven hill colony, jalana raod aurangabad 431001
Branch Lokvikas nagari sah bank main br
Contact 2341724
IFSC Code YESB0LNSB02(5th character is zero)
Branch Code Lnsb02(Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)
MICR Code 431661002

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