
  • It is commonly used for mathematical operations. Some functions of this header file uses floating point numbers as well as angle in terms of radians are also accepted.
  • The standard member funtions which are defined under math.h are:-

  • Commonly Used Functions

    Function NameDescriptionReturn
    pow it is used to calculate the value of a number raised to some e power. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    remainderIt is used to calculate the remainder of a/b. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    roundIt is used to calculate the value of argument rounded to the nearest integer.Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    sqrtIt is used to calculate the square root of a number. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    ceilIt is used to calculate the smallest integer value of the floating point number entered which is not less than the number.Integer
    floorIt is used to calculate the largest integer value of the floating point number which is not greater than the number. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    logIt is used to calculate natural logarithm for number. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    expIt is used to calculate the natural logarithm (e) raised to the argument power.Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    fmaxIt is used to determine the greater of the two numbers. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    fminIt is used to determine the lesser of the two numbers. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    fmodIt is used to determine the remainder of a/b where a and b are any 2 numbersFloat,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    modfIt is used to decompose a number into its integer and fractional parts.Floating Point Number pointer

    Trignometric Functions

    Function NameDescriptionReturn
    sinIt is used to calculate the sine of the argument. Float,Double ,Long Double (according to the argument)
    sinhIt is used to calculate the hyperbolic sine of argument. Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)
    asinIt is used to calculate the arc sine of the argument. Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)
    asinhIt is used to calculate the arc hyperbolic sine of argument. Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)
    cosIt is used to calculate the cosine of the argument. Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)
    coshIt is used to calculate the hyperbolic cosine of the argument Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)
    acosIt is used to find the arc cosine of the argument. Float Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    acoshIt is used to calculate the arc hyperbolic cosine of argument.Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)
    tanIt is used to calculate the tangent of the argument. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    tanhIt is used to calculate the hyperbolic tangent of the argument Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    atanIt is used to calculate the arc tangent of argument. Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)
    atanhIt is used to calculate the arc hyperbolic tangent of the argument.Float,Double,Long Double(according to the argument)

    Miscellaneous Functions

    Function NameDescriptionReturn
    isgreaterIt is use to compare between two numbers a and b. Integer
    isgreaterequalIt is used to find whether a is greater than or equal to b where a and b are two numbers.Integer
    islessIt is used to find whether a is less than b where a and b are two numbers.Integer
    islessequalIt is used to find whether a is less than b or equal to b where a and b are two numbers.Integer
    islessgreaterIt is used to find whether a is greater than or less than b. Integer
    log2It is used to calculate the base 2 logarithm for number. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    logbIt is used to calculate the exponent of number as a floating point integer value.Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    fabsIt is used to calculate the absolute value of the number. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    exp2It is used to calculate 2 raised to the argument power. Float,Double,Long Double,(according to the argument)
    expm1It is used to calculate the natural logarithm (e) raised to the argument power.Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    nearbyintIt is use to calculate the value of argument rounded to the nearest integerFloat,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)
    nextafterIt is use to find the next value after the first argument of the function thich is closer to the next argument. Float,Double,Long Double (according to the argument)