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IFSC Code Detail for Churu nai sadak Branch Information

punjab national bank- Churu nai sadak is located at Rajasthan state,Rly station nay district, Churu city and the bank branch address is Aggarwal enterprises, mahaveer plaza Contact phone number / numbers -0, The IFSC Code is PUNB0769300, Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code - 769300
Individual bank branch details are listed below.
Bank Name Punjab national bank
State Rajasthan
District Rly station nay
City Churu
Address Aggarwal enterprises, mahaveer plaza
Branch Churu nai sadak
Contact 0
IFSC Code PUNB0769300(5th character is zero)
Branch Code 769300(Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)
MICR Code 331024003

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