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IFSC Code Detail for Hanuman nagar nagpur Branch Information

indian overseas bank- Hanuman nagar nagpur is located at Chandigarh state,Koriya district, Nagpur city and the bank branch address is Ground floor,arihant apartment medical square,nagpur pincode 440023 Contact phone number / numbers -2700400, The IFSC Code is IOBA0002423, Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code - 002423
Individual bank branch details are listed below.
Bank Name Indian overseas bank
State Chandigarh
District Koriya
City Nagpur
Address Ground floor,arihant apartment medical square,nagpur pincode 440023
Branch Hanuman nagar nagpur
Contact 2700400
IFSC Code IOBA0002423(5th character is zero)
Branch Code 002423(Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)
MICR Code 440020005

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