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IFSC Code Detail for Garhwa Branch Information

allahabad bank- Garhwa is located at Jharkhand state,Garhwa district, Garhwa city and the bank branch address is Chiniya more, kutchery road, garhwa, jharkhand Contact phone number / numbers -223253, The IFSC Code is ALLA0212173, Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code - 212173
Individual bank branch details are listed below.
Bank Name Allahabad bank
State Jharkhand
District Garhwa
City Garhwa
Address Chiniya more, kutchery road, garhwa, jharkhand
Branch Garhwa
Contact 223253
IFSC Code ALLA0212173(5th character is zero)
Branch Code 212173(Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)
MICR Code 822010102

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