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IFSC Code Detail for Rajkot Branch Information

allahabad bank- Rajkot is located at Gujarat state,Rajkot district, Rajkot city and the bank branch address is V. k. mehta bldg., 17,mill para,dr. nar shihbhai sanatorium,1st floor, dhebar road (south), rajkot Contact phone number / numbers -2231830, The IFSC Code is ALLA0211058, Branch code is the last six characters of the IFSC Code - 211058
Individual bank branch details are listed below.
Bank Name Allahabad bank
State Gujarat
District Rajkot
City Rajkot
Address V. k. mehta bldg., 17,mill para,dr. nar shihbhai sanatorium,1st floor, dhebar road (south), rajkot
Branch Rajkot
Contact 2231830
IFSC Code ALLA0211058(5th character is zero)
Branch Code 211058(Last 6 Characters of the IFSC Code)
MICR Code 360010002

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